DSCF1987Yesterday, Sammy and I set off for Wetaskiwin and his open level obedience class. In the daylight, the driving conditions didn’t seem all that bad. With my favorite Timmy’s coffee and the radio playing the hits of the 70′ and 80’s, I put faith in my driving experience and good tires. By the time we arrived in Wetaskiwin things got scary. As my SUV slid through an intersection I wondered if I should consider over night accommodations. But at the class, Sammy and I had fun doing the jumps and dumbbell routines. I forgot about the worsening weather.

At 9:30 we headed back. I planned on taking Highway 2, a divided double lane route that would allow me to stay in the slow lane. I pulled out Elsie, my grumpy GPS and told her to point me toward home. She was silent most of t he way through Wetaskiwin except for a couple of terse commands which I obediently followed. Damn!

Too late I realized I was on highway 2A, a nasty winding two lane narrow old highway. In the dark, visibility was further hampered by blowing snow. I could barely determine my side of the road. You’d think there wouldn’t be much traffic. However, half of Alberta was slip sliding toward me. A few times I wanted to throw up. Once I arrived at Leduc, I thought I could breathe again. Nope!

I got back on Highway 2 but missed the exit to Highway 39. Should be no big deal. However, if you know this stretch of Highway 2 heading into Edmonton, you’d know it has a killer reputation – literally. I don’t know how many drivers I ticked off traveling 40 mph, but I was determined to get Sammy and me home in one piece.

As I backed into our garage, I felt so grateful for whatever gods and angels kept us safe. I opened the door to Sammy’s crate and beckoned him to come out. NGDW! He must have been aware of my fear for the past hour and half. I had to pull him out and show him we were home.

Oh, in case you were wondering how he did during his lessons? What can I say. He’s aces. Now, if he can remember his lessons at the Red Deer competition, I’ll be happy with a pass. However, I am experienced with being humbled by my loving companions at these events. Whatever. So long as we’re having fun.